Sunday, November 28, 2010

LibreOffice Rethinks the Office Suite - OpenOffice Fork

LibreOffice Rethinks the Office Suite - OpenOffice Fork

LibreOffice is a productivity suite that is compatible with other major office suites, and available on a variety of platforms. It is free software and therefore free to download, use and distribute.

It's been less than two months since the Document Foundation announced that it was launching its own "fork" of the productivity software suite, but already its new LibreOffice alternative is beginning to take shape.

LibreOffice Rethinks the Office Suite

LibreOffice only forked from six weeks ago. Already, however, news about its future directions is starting to trickle out. The details are sometimes sketchy, but they suggest that LibreOffice and could diverge more quickly than most observers imagined.

Initially, The Document Foundation (TDF), which oversees LibreOffice development, announced a general set of principles in The Next Decade Manifesto , a name that refers to the fact that recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. This manifesto promises that TDF will support free software and open standards and work methods, as well as other causes, such as the preservation of endangered languages. To make matters clearer, the manifesto also states what TDF rejects, including monopolies and proprietary formats. The manifesto also promises open, peer-reviewed development......