Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cop Punches Another #OccupyWallStreet Protester in the Face

Published by Mona

At some point here we have to discern the New York Police Department’s intentions because clearly they are here to ‘protect and serve’ someone other than the public. Financial Giants have been putting the NYPD on their payroll for some time now.

Watch this chaotic video and pay close attention to the 34 second mark.

Alt. Video Source:

" We are occupying the public space in front of J.P. Morgan Chase Bank on 5th Ave. and 10th St. We are occupying this space as a form of continuous protest. This location was chosen for various reasons. As one of the largest financial institutions in the world, and the recipient of a federal bailout, Chase Bank paid no taxes in 2010 while hardworking Americans continued to see their wages fall and the social safety net collapse. While continuing to fund Mountain Top Removal and the pill epidemic through their holdings in the pharmaceutical industry, their actions have been directly detrimental to West Virginia and Appalachia. Due to Chase donations to the NYPD, Wall Street protesters are arrested while Wall Street criminals run free. Chase Bank is representative of the corporate control of American democracy. "
Just after those dubious donations by Chase Bank to the Police department, the brutality we are witnessing recently took place. The force the police are using against protesters is almost as if they are trying to incite a riot.

This is why we rage. Even our police force, who are paid by taxpayer dollars [that's us] are bought and paid for by the Big Banks, who control everything around us, even our own safety.


The female being punched in the face was apparently a male, Felix Rivera-Pitre. My bad.

Special thanks to OccupyLove2011.

Many thanks to the Huntington News.