Friday, September 16, 2011

How to use social networking sites safely: SANS Security Awareness

September 2011 - Social Networking Safety ( pdf ):

Security Awareness Newsletters

Digg Sub.:


OUCH! Free, Monthly Security Awareness Newsletter

"Wow! This is the first security awareness document that our users really like! Thank you, SANS"

That note came from the CISO of an 8,000 employee organization. OUCH! is the world's leading, free security awareness newsletter designed for the common computer user. Published every month and in multiple languages, each edition is carefully researched and developed by the SANS Securing The Human team, SANS instructor subject matter experts and team members of the community. Each issue focuses on and explains a specific topic and actionable steps people can take to protect themselves, their family and their organization. OUCH! is distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.

You are encouraged to distribute OUCH! within your organization or share with anyone you like as long as it is not used for commercial purposes.

Subscribe to OUCH! Now:


Internet Storm Center ( ISC ) Diary


SANS NewsBites

" SANS NewsBites is a semiweekly high-level executive summary of the most important news articles that have been published on computer security during the last week. Each news item is very briefly summarized and includes a reference on the web for detailed information, if possible.

Spend five minutes per week to keep up with the high-level perspective of all the latest security news. New issues are delivered free every Tuesday and Friday. " -- Continued:


ISC Tools


Computer Security Training, Network Research & Resources

" SANS is the most trusted and by far the largest source for information security training in the world. We offer training through several delivery methods - live & virtual conferences, mentors, online, and onsite. Our computer security courses are developed by industry leaders in numerous fields including network security, forensics, audit, security leadership, and application security. Courses are taught by real-world practitioners who are the best at ensuring you not only learn the material, but that you can apply it immediately when you return to the office. In addition to top-notch training, we offer certification via the ANSI accredited GIAC security certification program as well as numerous free security resources including newsletters, whitepapers and webcasts. " -- Continued: