Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fox News Ticker Hacked

Updated with response + hack info: http://goo.gl/znIyX


Src: News Hounds - http://goo.gl/QOlrS

Reported by Ellen - May 31, 2011

Some resourceful protesters hacked into the Fox News ticker that displays on News Corp headquarters in New York City. The results were captured on YouTube.

Alt. video src: http://goo.gl/jDb7l

.... a hoax ? if so well played....


UPDATED: 06-01-2011 - Response from ticker hacker - http://goo.gl/jDb7l

Fox is of course saying this didn't happen. So I will maybe post a video explaining how I did it later. "


Original video post comment:

" Hello

Monday night I hacked into the FoxNews news ticker on 6th avenue in NYC.

Here's the video. If you'd like to know why, just read the message in the hack.

I accessed the Fox ticker basically to get your attention. Also because Fox deserves it: they're the 24/7 mouthpiece of the right wing. They are huge perpetuators of the big lie.

This country isn't broke. Question is: where is the money going?

Americans have a right to know their pockets are being fleeced by corporations and tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and we can no longer tolerate the deceit FoxNews is perpetuating.

For the record, I am not connected to Anonymous or any of the recent attacks on the PSN, PBS, Nasdaq or So-net.

We are being lied to and you cannot stop Americans from fighting for the truth. Sorry my friend is somewhat annoyingly enthusiastic in the video but it's one of the best hacks in recent memory so cut her a break.

For those who think this is fake and that the sign can not play color. http://bit.ly/mRfOUD "