Wednesday, March 23, 2011

History of Christian Violence and Intolerance

History of Christian Violence and Intolerance

The process of Christianization has at times been relatively peaceful and at times has been a very violent process, ranging from political conversions to adopt Christianity to military campaigns to force conversion onto native populaces often resulting in massacres and murder.

The Crusades 1095...
The Inquisition 1184....
Reformation 1518.....
Witch Hunts 1480......
The Holocaust 1933: Christian Fundamentalism
The Christian Identity Movement 1915: Anglo-Israelism, British-Israelism, and some white supremacists, anti-semitic and other hate groups.

Timeline: Christianity violence in history

by J. Denny Weaver

"....It is not difficult to see why discussion of the relationship of violence and Christianity is controversial.(1) When asked whether Christianity supports violence and is a violent religion, does one answer "Of course -- look at the crusades, the multiple blessings of wars, warrior popes, support for capital punishment, corporal punishment under the guise of 'spare the rod and spoil the child,' justifications of slavery, world-wide colonialism in the name of conversion to Christianity, the systemic violence of women subjected to men, and more"?....

This essay addresses the relationship between violence and Christianity by examining aspects of Christian theology. Specifically, it examines violence and assumptions of violence in the classic formulations of the central Christian doctrines of atonement and Christology. While this analysis finds classic theology in large part guilty of accommodating and supporting violence, the essay also points to a specifically nonviolent Christian answer..." continued: